WebRTC Book
IMPORTANT NOTE: The demo seems to work with Chrome and Firefox on Mac and PC. Opera isn't working fully yet - we hope to investigate why soon.

If you are having problems with the demo, here are some things to check. But remember, WebRTC is new and experimental, and sometimes things don't work. Try not to get frustrated! :-)

Problem: The URL doesn't load.

1. Did you put in port 5001? The full URL is http://demo.webrtcbook.com:5001/start.html. Did you try to put in URL parameters such as "key=1234" or "turnuri=1"? If so, make sure the first URL parameter is separated from the end of the filename (start.html) with "?". If there are multiple parameters, they are separated with a "&". See the book for some examples.

Problem: The page loads, but I don't get prompted for permissions
Problem: I get stuck with the following Status: "Peer signaling connected, waiting for local media"

2. Are you using a WebRTC browser? That means no IE or Safari, sorry. If you aren't sure, go to http://whatbrowser.org to find out.

3. Do you have JavaScript disabled on your browser? Check your settings or disable plugins such as NoScript.

4. Is another application or browser or tab using the camera? Quit the other application or browser tab and reload the page.

Problem: I see my own video, but I don't see any Status information.

5. Did you put in a Key? Both you and your partner on the other browser must put in the same Key. Pick a unique string to avoid collisions.

Problem: I see my own video, but I get stuck with the following Status: "Ready for call"

6. Did you or your partner click the Call button? One of you have to take that first step! :-)

Problem: I see my own video, but I get stuck with the following Status: "Waiting for peer"

7. Is your partner on the other browser also visiting the site? WebRTC takes two to tango.

8. Did your partner put in a Key and click Connect? Both you and your partner must put in the same Key. Pick a unique string to avoid collisions.

Problem: Status shows "On call" but I only see my video and don't hear any audio from other browser.

9. Did you exchange Session Descriptions? Look at the text displayed below the video windows labled "Outgoing Messages" and "Incoming Messages". You should see SDP in both places. If not, there is a signaling channel failure. Try having both browsers reload page or try another Key.

10. Is your partner sending you video? Is your partner using a WebRTC browser? Have them check their Status and see if they see their own video.

11. Did your partner give permission to use the camera? Look for box just below browser status bar.

12. Are you behind a firewall or other restricted network? If so, try using the TURN server by adding "?turnuri=1" to the URL (or "&turnuri=1" if you already have URL parameters such as "key" or "call". Don't try this with Firefox right now as it seems to crash.

13. Are you both using the same browser (e.g. both on Firefox or Chrome)? Best results use same browser and version.

Problem: Status shows "On call" and I hear audio from other browser audio but I only see my video.

14. Is camera in use by another app (Skype) or other browser tab? Quit other app or browser

15. Did you give permission to use camera? Look for permission dialog box below browser status bar.

16. Are you both using the same browser ( eg both on Firefox or Chrome)? For best results use same browser and version.

Problem: Status shows "On call" but I don't hear audio from the other browser.

17. Is microphone or speakers muted? Go in OS control panel and unmute.

18. Is your headset working? Test in control panel or other application. Try unplugging and using built in speaker and microphone.

19. Are you both using the same browser ( eg both on Firefox or Chrome)? Best results use same browser and version.

Problem: Status shows "On call" but my/partner video/remote video is frozen.

20. Did you click on the Pause button on the HTML5 video window? Click on it again to resume.

Problem: My audio/remote audio is too loud.

21. Click on the volume button on the HTML5 video window to adjust

Problem: I'm getting really bad feedback/echo.

22. Sometimes this happens. Turn down your speaker volume, reduce the volume on the video window, or use a headset.

If none of these tips help, email us at support@webrtcbook.com

See Chapters 3-7 of the WebRTC book for a detailed discussion of the code, both client and server side.